Saturday, October 24, 2020

Love Fountain

“Golden” by Kent Andreasen

 Love Fountain


I can not write love stories anymore. 

My inspiration fountain is frozen now. 

I put some fire nearby and it did not work at all. 

I tried singing songs and being by its side day and night. 

I have been thinking about it and trying for new insights,

So far nothing worked and made me just sad.

The other day I tried forgetting about it,

And just focusing on my self-love,

I could have written stories about myself,

Stories about my self-growth

And, suddenly, I felt a drop on my cheek

A colorful drop of inspiration from my water source.

Maybe that’s all I needed and need,

To try first with me.

Madelaine Bustamante (October 4th 2020. 10:33PM)

Friday, October 16, 2020

De las separaciones y sus absurdos

Fotografía por Madelaine Bustamante

Creo que las rupturas amorosas son tan irresponsables, debería haber alguna ley que ampare a las personas afectadas, como sucede con los divorcios, o sea ¿Quién paga por los daños colaterales?

Y más allá de eso, cuando entras en una relación amorosa, se supone que es de mutuo acuerdo, ambas personas se comprometen para poder estar juntas; en cambio, las separaciones no parecen necesitar del acuerdo mutuo, son abusivas. Sin embargo, si se trata de mantener contacto con la persona que decidió sobre la ruptura, la otra persona puede demandar por acoso.

¿Y qué demanda se hace por abandono? O sea, legalmente hablando, monetariamente hablando, psicológicamente hablando ¿quién corre con los gastos de esos daños? Es un proceso realmente bárbaro. ¿Cómo es legal siquiera? 

¿Qué quiere decir eso de “El amor se acabó”? ¿Cómo funciona todo esto? ¿Por qué nadie se tiene que hacer responsable por todas esas promesas dichas dentro de la relación? ¿Cómo es que todo esto está tan normalizado hoy en día? ¿Por qué la palabra pesa tan poco en la corte aun cuando sigue pesando tanto en las personas?

Tal vez soy yo esperando demasiado de nuevo, de un mundo que, mayormente, se demuestra sin sentido. Esperando demasiado de una sociedad que se muestra, no solo absurda sino también, insensible. 

Dejando de lado las típicas frasecillas de autoestima, superación personal, valor propio, positivismo y demás, ¿Cómo se pretende que una separación sea procesada a nivel mental cuando no tiene lógica alguna? Es tan molesto.

Perfection’s Illusion (2017)

Photography by Madelaine Bustamante

Smile! Shoot! Done! We live in an Instant World, everything, absolutely everything seems to be recorded and saved; although, not the sincerest era indeed. To this world, where nothing seems to be really solid, Bauman will call “Liquid Modern World” and I couldn’t agree more with his concept about its liquidity. All has to be done at the very moment, but as soon as the picture is taken it’s not needed anymore, and the “perfection” encircled in that image disappears as soon as it came.

And people seem to be aware of this phenomenon, but keep on engaging in these acts where you display a fake image, an image of a perfect life, a perfect body, a perfect food, and so on; there is no space for imperfection anymore and the standards’ people have to keep on hitting unreachable levels. It seems there’s no more room for real acceptance because acceptance itself is being, somehow, sold out in this big market social media has to turn our lives into.

When the relation of a person with his body is already as problematic as it can be due to the changes it keeps on going through, new trends are making it only more and more unbearable, and mental illnesses related to self-image are at the top of the scale thanks to it. Though among the benefits we can tell that people are getting “more” connected to some extension, whether you’re in Paris or Quito, whether you are on earth or water, you can always reach someone out due to internet and all its facilities... but even relationships are being damaged and affected.

Should a big STOP be put? Should parents keep their children away from all these novelties? Is there anything that can be done? Other than informing people, not really. Ignorance is still the biggest enemy, even when the information is right there just to be taken. It’s all about explaining to people the difference between fantasy and reality, about their worth despite everything, and the good management of the media that could help us more instead of harming us if we allow it.

“We worship perfection because we can’t have it; if we had it, we would reject it. Perfection is inhuman, because humanity is imperfect.”
― Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet.

by Madelaine Bustamante.
[October 2017]

Bauman, Z. (2007). Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Pessoa, F. (2002). The Book of Disquiet. London: Penguin Books.