Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Right - Addictions

Just wanted to say that I was absolutely right back in 2015 when I said he turned into some kind of drug for and I felt I could die without him because I needed him:

And I am saying I was right because, some neuropsychoanalysts, wrote this:

“So, attachment is a primary form of addiction. Anyone who has fallen in love knows the truth of this statement. Being in love with someone is almost indistinguishable from being addicted to them. This, surely then, is the major biological endophenotype that is hijacked by substance abuse.” (p. 180)

“Addiction involves (1) a primary appetitive process called SEEKING, plus (2) a primary consummatory process called PLEASURE-LUST, which rewards the SEEKING activity and thereby allows learning to occur, plus (3) a primary social process called attachment, which is mediated by the PANIC-GRIEF system. Once an attachment is established, reunion with the object of attachment is the specific pleasure that the addict seeks.” (p. 182)

“Neuropsychoanalytic Notes on Addiction” by Mark Solms, Eleni Pantelis and Jaak Panksepp

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