Monday, August 5, 2019

My book

Hello everybody! One more time, for those interested, my book is already in and here is the link:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=J40WGS63T7IL&keywords=tajitos+madelaine+bustamante&qid=1564996215&s=gateway&sprefix=Tajitos+%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-1

”Tajitos...” es una recopilación de poemas y cuentos cortos escritos y seleccionados por mí, en un lapso de diez años y espero que quién sea que lea este libro pueda disfrutarlo, identificarse si es posible, pero lo más importante: sentirme y sentirse... porque ¿Qué es de un libro si no es capaz de transmitir sentimientos? Mis libros favoritos siempre han sido esos capaz de conmoverme, y si al menos una de mis líneas logra eso, me daré por satisfecha.
You all can buy the hard copy or the kindle version, please share it with your friends also, thanks a lot!

I will let the translated synopsis here:
“Tajitos...” is a collection of poems and short stories written and selected by me, in a lapse of ten years and I hope whoever reads it is able to enjoy it, identify with it if possible, but most importantly: to feel me and to feel himself because... What is of a book if it’s not able to transmit feelings? My favorite book had always been those capable of move me, and if at least one of my lines gets that, I will be satisfied.

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