Thursday, August 22, 2019

What’s next?

Photography was taken by Madelaine Bustamante.

“So, what’s next?” She asked, clearly annoyed.

She kept on wondering what was she waiting for? What was on the table for her? She couldn’t see anything and she wasn’t even sure about wanting anything in the first place. What to do now, she kept wondering... What to do after him? What to do with herself in that empty house? She put everything in silence and spent whole days with the screen on, with the screen telling her about tons of love stories with happy endings... unlike hers. 

[Madelaine Bustamante. August 22, 2019]

Monday, August 5, 2019

My book

Hello everybody! One more time, for those interested, my book is already in and here is the link:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=J40WGS63T7IL&keywords=tajitos+madelaine+bustamante&qid=1564996215&s=gateway&sprefix=Tajitos+%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-1

”Tajitos...” es una recopilación de poemas y cuentos cortos escritos y seleccionados por mí, en un lapso de diez años y espero que quién sea que lea este libro pueda disfrutarlo, identificarse si es posible, pero lo más importante: sentirme y sentirse... porque ¿Qué es de un libro si no es capaz de transmitir sentimientos? Mis libros favoritos siempre han sido esos capaz de conmoverme, y si al menos una de mis líneas logra eso, me daré por satisfecha.
You all can buy the hard copy or the kindle version, please share it with your friends also, thanks a lot!

I will let the translated synopsis here:
“Tajitos...” is a collection of poems and short stories written and selected by me, in a lapse of ten years and I hope whoever reads it is able to enjoy it, identify with it if possible, but most importantly: to feel me and to feel himself because... What is of a book if it’s not able to transmit feelings? My favorite book had always been those capable of move me, and if at least one of my lines gets that, I will be satisfied.