“I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra | [All rights reserved ® Todos los derechos reservados a: Madelaine Bustamante]
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
To his feet
Friday, November 29, 2019
Selfishness’s Pain
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Right - Addictions
“So, attachment is a primary form of addiction. Anyone who has fallen in love knows the truth of this statement. Being in love with someone is almost indistinguishable from being addicted to them. This, surely then, is the major biological endophenotype that is hijacked by substance abuse.” (p. 180)
“Addiction involves (1) a primary appetitive process called SEEKING, plus (2) a primary consummatory process called PLEASURE-LUST, which rewards the SEEKING activity and thereby allows learning to occur, plus (3) a primary social process called attachment, which is mediated by the PANIC-GRIEF system. Once an attachment is established, reunion with the object of attachment is the specific pleasure that the addict seeks.” (p. 182)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Autumn Sonata
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Photography by Madelaine Bustamante |
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Photography by Madelaine Bustamante |
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Strani Amori- Laura Pausini
Ma sapevo che era una bugia
Quanto tempo perso dietro a lui
Che promette e poi non cambia mai
Strani amori
Mettono nei guai
Ma, in realtà, siamo noi
E lo aspetti ad un telefono
Litigando che sia libero
Con il cuore nello stomaco
Un gomitolo nell'angolo
Lì da sola, dentro un brivido
Ma perché lui non c'è
E sono
Strani amori che
Fanno crescere e sorridere
Fra le lacrime
Quante pagine lì da scrivere
Sogni e lividi da dividere
Sono amori che spesso a questa età
Si confondono dentro a quest'anima
Che si interroga senza decidere
Se è un amore che fa per noi
E quante notti perse a piangere
Rileggendo quelle lettere
Che non riesci più a buttare via
Dal labirinto della nostalgia
Grandi amori che finiscono
Ma perché restano nel cuore
Strani amori che
Vanno e vengono
Nei pensieri che li nascondono
Storie vere che ci appartengono
Ma si lasciano come noi
Strani amori, fragili
Prigionieri, liberi
Strani amori mettono nei guai
Ma in realtà, siamo noi
Strani amori, fragili
Prigionieri liberi
Strani amori che non sanno vivere
E si perdono dentro noi
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
“You're mine, Madelaine. You're mine now. Your place will be more comfortable when you will be ready to be "naked" (emotionally) in front of me. And this relationship will be better too...”
Me: ^_^ dont waste time lookin or spendin time with other girls, at the end of the day you'll end up with your girlfriend, you have no choice she'll follow you everywhere :D
You: And i'm not looking for other girls. Why should i do that? Are they somehow better than my girlfriend?
Friday, September 6, 2019
This game of us
Let’s play this game, you stay there, under that tree, right in that door; I will stay here, in this seat, right in this school.
And the distance will be our shield, I will protect you by protecting me and you will protect me by protecting yourself.
I am sorry it couldn’t be another way, I am sorry we can’t work together, I am sorry it is so hard for us to be without damaging each other... I am sorry for you, I am sorry for me and I am sorry for us. And while I cry this sad fortune, I will pray every day for you wishing you good fortune and I will dream of us every night, those love stories with happy endings that we were not able to reach out.
[Madelaine Bustamante. September 6, 2019]
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Tu arte
Thursday, August 22, 2019
What’s next?
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Photography was taken by Madelaine Bustamante. |
“So, what’s next?” She asked, clearly annoyed.
She kept on wondering what was she waiting for? What was on the table for her? She couldn’t see anything and she wasn’t even sure about wanting anything in the first place. What to do now, she kept wondering... What to do after him? What to do with herself in that empty house? She put everything in silence and spent whole days with the screen on, with the screen telling her about tons of love stories with happy endings... unlike hers.
[Madelaine Bustamante. August 22, 2019]
Monday, August 5, 2019
My book
“Tajitos...” is a collection of poems and short stories written and selected by me, in a lapse of ten years and I hope whoever reads it is able to enjoy it, identify with it if possible, but most importantly: to feel me and to feel himself because... What is of a book if it’s not able to transmit feelings? My favorite book had always been those capable of move me, and if at least one of my lines gets that, I will be satisfied.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Always with you, just you.
Friday, May 24, 2019
"Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves,
and if You do not forgive us
and have mercy upon us,
we will surely be among the losers."
Friday, May 17, 2019
Punto Muerto
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The wound
He said, "My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, so forgive me," and He forgave him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. (Q28:16)
Saturday, May 11, 2019
One step at a time
Friday, May 10, 2019
The laws of love
Monday, April 8, 2019
A piece of me
I am moody, selfish, self-centered, manipulative, possessive, jealous and bossy, I can drive you nuts and then put, shamelessly, the blame on you, I am careless and I can be extremely insensitive, I can put myself in danger and make you feel that I am putting you in danger as well, prompt to existential crisis every once in a while, let’s say that three or four times per year is accurate. I can be very sharp and even when I try to control you, the moment you’ll try to control me, things will be over. I trust no one for real, it may seem like you got me, but as a matter of a fact, nobody ever gets me before I get them, I must feel over 100% sure about the other person treasuring me and loving me, for even think about opening up, I talk a lot but I suck at real emotional communication most of the time, emotional breakdown can happen every time you may try to talk about my feelings, because my feelings are my business, but your feelings can be both. I go from hot to cold, and from cold to hot often enough to never truly figure me out. I am annoying and a real attention seeker if I want you enough. I lack common sense many times and logic and I aren’t really the best friends. I can be sickly childish and I adore kids. I am way too religious for many, way too “liberal” for others, sadly for them: little I care. On the other hand, I am extremely devoted, caring, loving and dedicated, I have problems balancing and remembering that if I want you to be okay, I must remember to be okay first. I am way too cheesy and romantic, I can end up going overboard, not on purpose, but because I feel it that way. I get easily hurt or not at all depending on my relationship with you. I am hard to deal with, hard to deal with, hard to deal with and I never say the opposite, even if many times people think it’s not like this, later on, they notice they were wrong, but by then all the blame would fall on me because I just let it be and my warnings signs wouldn’t count for them and their accusations against me. I am a crying baby, but I would never cry in front of you and you can hurt me deeply but instead of acting all down, I may act all high the most of the time, making you feel or think that I am unaffected therefore you meant nothing in my life, even if the nine of ten times is not true. I get bored easily, way too easy, I am not a routine fan and, certainly, not a routine follower. I like peace, but I have my own concept of peace; I like security but security doesn’t necessarily mean boredom or lack of excitement in life, at least not for me. I am cool with changes, I hate abandonment which is the only kind of change I am not good with. Once you are in for real, I lock doors, it takes a while and some real agreements until I will be okay with you going out from time to time, people don’t just “leave me”, I wish it was that simple for their sake and mine, but it doesn’t work that way, especially not after promising not to. I am very responsible and reliable, my emotional instability has no relation with my work or studies or functioning in general, I don’t have the luxury to stop functioning whenever I am not okay, therefore I have learned to go on despite the inner struggle, but this is something many people don’t get. Financial stability isn’t the goal, at least not for me, surprisingly enough I have always been able to work in different stuff regarding education, there is always need of people willing to do the mental work and I am in the list, so I have never felt scared about not finding a job, I am always scared about having a job that I don’t like though. My emotional well-being matters to me, more than most of things in life, and because it was so hard for me to get it, I don’t allow it to be disrupted, it certain studies or work is going to do the opposite of making me half happy, might as well quit because life already does that without you even looking for it. My priorities are very clear, God goes first, God goes first, God goes first, then family and then friends, this divine order can never be altered in my life, it may be altered in your idea of me, but not in myself. I change my mind in a matter of seconds, but I always have the same base ground, I know this can confuse people and it can be disturbing and I am always willing to explain my reasons, but certainly not to be limited to stick to one thought, I am the way I am and I can live alone because of how hard it is to deal with me, but I am not willing to live a life of not being myself for the sake of others. And I stop things half way if I find it necessary, like right now that I grew tired of writing about myself and would prefer to keep on singing “Never Go Back” by Dennis Lloys instead of continue talking about my one and thousand qualities..
Sunday, March 10, 2019
El canto de los locos
Saturday, January 19, 2019
My book!
Soooooo! What everybody was waiting for is here finally! :) I hope you all can get a copy! It's spanish but you can still enjoy the drawings ^_^
If you're interested in buying one, please reach me out at madelaine.b93@gmail.com
UPDATED: Monday, July 22nd 2019
You can buy it here:
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Be happy
- Are you okay? Gracia asked worried to see Layla's eyes out of orbit.
- Did he see me? Layla replied covering her face with her hand.
- What? Who? Gracia asked looking around keeping in mind it was just the two of them and wondering what was going on. And Layla got it, she blinked and put her hand down.
- Nothing. Layla said looking down. Let's continue with the wedding plans. She insisted.
- Are you sure about what all this? Gracia asked sadly to see the situation Layla put herself into.
- You can never be sure about anything. I may not be sure, but religiously talking, I am doing the right thing and that’s enough. Layla replied cleaning her nose.
How painful life was, how senseless everything was... how boring, how tedious, how sad, how tiring.
She wished him good, as usual, she would continue with her life and she wished from the bottom of her heart good for his life, because more than anything in her life, she sincerely wanted him to be happy... she just wants him to be happy.