She was in the living room reading what seemed to be a new love's book and eating some popcorn. He sat down next to her.
- Do you want to play some chess? He asked interrupting her, she looked at him for a minute and asked.
- Will you help me to remember you that I am the winner? And he laughed.
- But I always win! He said playfully.
- I am not playing. You don't know your place. She said annoyed.
- I will let you win... He said provocatively.
- I don't need to "let me win" I am a winner. She said and they both laughed.
- Never mind, if you don't want to play it's okay. What are you reading? He said reading the title. "Behind Closed Doors"... Why do you and my mom like love stories so much? He asked curiously.
- Because, apparently, we both suck at love. If we can't get it on our own, at least let us imagine it. She said making a pout and he smiled and tried to touch her hand as giving her emotional support, which surprised her and she removed her hand immediately and he felt uncomfortable.
- Don't you trust me? He asked hurt.
- Don't ask obvious questions. Of course I do not. She answered sharply.
- I may go one day and not come back due to your constants mistreatments. He said angrily.
- You're always leaving. I am nearly used to it. She answered placing her eyes on her book again.
- You know I always come back regardless of how long I take to do it, and this is why you feel so safe. He said stealing quickly some of her popcorn and she looked at him with her open mouth.
- How dare you! She said smiling indignantly. And he laughed while leaving the couch ready to run in case of her throwing anything at him.
- You began! He said smiling and she smiled back.
- Go and play on your phone, don't bother me anymore. She said moving her hand in the air indicating him to leave.
- I like to be with you sometimes. He said lying down on the couch next to her again.
- "Sometimes". She emphasized.
- Do you know? You're a very possessive friend, you need to stop it. He said placing his eyes on his phone.
- Do whatever you want. She said turning around, placing her left side on the couch, not allowing him to see her face anymore.
- Come on, don't get mad. I was just playing. He asked looking at her but she said nothing and he sighed. The game was over, she came back to her book and he had to come back to his phone. At least she seemed to be in a better mood today, yesterday she seemed so down and broken after he got to fix the air conditioner and even when the house was warm enough, she was still wearing huge and long sweaters like if she remained cold inside after all... He wondered what could he do to make her feel better... He wondered if that guy would ever truly come back for her... He wondered if she was still waiting for him even though she said he won't come back... but as the questions started breaking up his peace of mind, he decided to focus on his game and stop tormenting himself. Suddenly she turned around, now placing her right side on the couch but kept her eyes on the books.
- Thanks for staying. She said and he smiled. She acted so almightily all the time, but her heart was still so soft... and she couldn't hide it.
- My pleasure. He answered and kept on playing now happily on his phone.
[First part: ]
[Second part: ]
[Third part: ]
[Forth part: ]