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All the pictures in this post have been taken by Madelaine Bustamante |
Tan pronto llegué, pude verte en todos lados...
Para mí, esa inmensidad, ese todo, eras tú...
El continente mismo era tuyo,
aunque para ti mismo, tú seas "solo" tú.
As soon as I arrived I could see you everywhere...
For me, that inmensity, that everything, was you...
The continent itself was yours,
even when for yourself you're "just" you.
As soon as I arrived I could see you everywhere...
For me, that inmensity, that everything, was you...
The continent itself was yours,
even when for yourself you're "just" you.
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Barcelona, España |
Vi caras, tantas caras... ajenas a las mías, semejantes a las tuyas y me imagine tus ojos encontrándose con esos mares de rostros y sentí celos, de esas miles de sonrisas que en algún momento tuvieron la dicha de encontrarse con la tuya: en la metro, en el tren, en el avión, en el bus ¡En donde sea! Y saboreé con gusto lo que supuse que tú comes... ¡De todas las maneras posibles! Contigo me encontré.
I saw faces, so many faces... Foreign to mines, similar to yours and I imagined your eyes meeting that sea of faces and I felt jealousy, of that thousand of smiles that in some moment have the luck of meeting yours: on the metro, on the train, on the airplane, on the bus, wherever! And I tasted with pleasure what I supposed you eat... In all the ways possibles! I met with you.
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Palma de Mallorca, España |
Countless of times the tears threatened me with their
presence, and that trip that everybody thought was the glory and filled
with laughs, involved for me, thanks to you... a meaning forward the
words and the pain, that I carry as punishment, since some time ago after the evanescence of your voice. I ask myself even now so many things and I believe, I never could asked you... about the food and the streets, about the people and the language, about the moms and the sweets, so many things... and only you, for me, have the answers.
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Berlín, Alemania |
Cada sitio, sin excepción alguna, tenía el sello de tus voces donde yo, lo único que hacía, era recolectar información... Y mientras más te veía, más me dolía entender al fin tus palabras y ser capaz de comprender, finalmente, cuan tonta fui... pero no cargo sola ese título, lo llevas también tú ¿Cómo esperabas que yo bajo mi techo reconociera, de antemano, tanto cielo azul? Pero, no te imaginas cuanta fue mi aflicción... una y otra vez ¡Vi el futuro del que tanto hablamos! Pasearse en mi delante y mis lados, como burlándose de mí, pero faltabas tú para completarlo todo, porque al final del día, por "faltar sólo tú" es que no había nada en realidad, ahí donde parecía haber destellos de un todo.
Each site, without any exception, had the stamp of your voices where I, the only thing that was doing, was collecting information... And the more I saw, the most it hurt finally understanding your words and be able to understand, eventually, how silly I was... but I don't hold that title by myself, you have it as well, how could you expect me to recognize under my ceiling, in advance, so much blue sky? But, you can't imagine how much was my affliction... over and over again, I saw the future we talked about so much! To cross in front of me and on my sides, like making fun of me, but you were missing to complete it all, because at the end of the day, cause of that "lacking only you" is that there was nothing in reality, there where it seemed to be glimmers of everything.
Each site, without any exception, had the stamp of your voices where I, the only thing that was doing, was collecting information... And the more I saw, the most it hurt finally understanding your words and be able to understand, eventually, how silly I was... but I don't hold that title by myself, you have it as well, how could you expect me to recognize under my ceiling, in advance, so much blue sky? But, you can't imagine how much was my affliction... over and over again, I saw the future we talked about so much! To cross in front of me and on my sides, like making fun of me, but you were missing to complete it all, because at the end of the day, cause of that "lacking only you" is that there was nothing in reality, there where it seemed to be glimmers of everything.
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Bruselas, Bélgica |
Conocí a tu gente, respire tu aire, hable tu lengua y hasta me dio tu sol... y estoy segura de que si seguía caminando por tus caminos, en cualquiera recorrido, terminaría tropezándome finalmente con la maravilla que eres tú; porque tú eres bondad y yo soy vileza ¿o es lo contrario, pero me confundes con tanta luz? Como anhelaba mirarte, al menos, una vez de frente... y saber que ocultan las tinieblas de tus ojos; pero ese sueño, aun sin cumplirse, ya se acabó.
I met your people, I breathed your air, I talked your language and even your sun hit me... and I am sure if I would've continue walking through your ways, in any of my rounds, I'd end up finally bumping into the wonder that is you; because you are goodness and I am vileness, or is it otherwise, but you confuse me with so much light? How much I yearned to see you, at least, once in the face... and to know what's hidden in the darkness of your eyes; but that dream, without even fulfilling, ended up.
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París, Francia |
He vuelto, pero sigo allá; porque no me he ido, camino una y otra vez por las calles que ya he sentido y descubro constantemente algo nuevo en cada rincón... Pero mis preguntas para ti siguen flotando, levitando sin ser siquiera atrapados porque ¡Se niegan a manifestarse por lo menos! A menos que aquí estés tú, porque esas preguntas son tuyas... En ti, ellas, han depositado las respuestas de todo.
I've come back, but I'm still there; because I haven't left, I walk over and over again for the streets that I've already felt and I discover constantly something new in each corner... But my questions for you are still floating, levitating without even being catch up because, they reject to reveal themselves even! Unless you are here, because those questions are yours... In you, they, have placed the answers of everything.
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Milán, Italia |
Lo curioso de todo es que sigo viéndote sin verte, y aunque no querías me he adentrado en tu mundo, aunque no sé si con la debida protección. Quisiera saber, si a pesar de todo este tiempo y la crueldad y la crudeza de tus textos, aun hay cabida en ti, aunque muy dentro, para el amor que un día por mí, parecías sentir; y para lo especial e importante, imprescindible y único que me dijiste un día que fui.
The curious thing is that I keep on seeing you without seeing you, and even when you didn't want I've gotten into your world, even if I don't know with the right protection. I'd like to know, if even through all this time and the cruelty and the sharpness of your texts, there is still room in you, even if very deep, for the love one day for me, you seemed to feel; and for the special and important, indispensable and unique that you told me once that I was.
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Sicilia, Italia |
Nuevamente, antes de despedirme, aunque no es un "adiós" sino un "hasta luego" como siempre; quiero dejar en claro, algo que tú pareces no comprender o que olvidas, o simplemente no querer creer... pero que pese a toda la confusión que puede verse en mi caótico mundo, porque ya sabemos que la lunática aquí soy yo; quería recordarte una vez más: que mi amor por ti sigue ileso, y que mis ojos no han sido capaces de ver realmente, a otro que no seas tú... nadie más que tú. Solo Tú.
Again, before biding farewell, even if it's not a "goodbye" but a "see you soon" as always; I want to let something clear, something that you don't seem to understand or you forget, or simply don't want to believe... but even through all the confusion that can be seen in my chaotic world, because we already know the lunatic one here is me; I wanted to remind yo one more time: that my love for you is still intact, and that my eyes haven't been capable of looking for real, to other that wasn't you... no one but you. Only You.
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Roma, Italia |
[04 de Junio 2016]
Un Giorno, Tre Autunni...
Per Sempre... Nel Mio Cuore.