Saturday, May 25, 2024

La búsqueda sin nombre

(Background music: “Sakura” by Ikimono Gakari) 

Yo podía verla solo de espaldas. Un cabello larguísimo y oscurísimo, como la noche; era un gran contraste para su vestido blanco y para el resplandor del sol que se veía con intensidad en su cabello. Estaba moviendo sus brazos con insistencia hacía arriba y hacía abajo una y otra vez. Mientras me acercaba me preguntaba si este era un momento apropiado, parecía muy ensimismada en lo que sea que estuviera haciendo. Aun no había notado mis pasos, ¿o fue que yo empece a moverme con sigilo al verla tan empeñada?

A medida que me acercaba podía ver mejor el cuarto en el que estaba, había una cantidad innumerable de una especie de pergaminos por el piso; parecía que habían sido deshilados, uno por uno, dejado a medias. 

Sentía cada vez más curiosidad por lo que sea que estaba haciendo, y pese al rigor de su enfoque me atreví a hablarle.

- “¿Qué haces?” Pregunté y la vi sobresaltarse, no se giro para verme, ni se molestó en responderme. Siguió enfocada en su actividad como si mi presencia no importase. Me auto-invite ya que no me fue prohibida la entrada y me senté cerca de la puerta a revisar los supuestos pergaminos, y digo pergaminos porque no estoy seguro de que eran. Eran de un material parecido al papel pero mucho más fuerte y estaban todos medio enroscados, digo medio porque la otra mitad había sido destejida. 

En cada pergamino abierto se veía rastros de su trabajo, todos eran de un color similar pero con diferentes tonalidades, y tenían manuscritos que parecían tejidos o pintados con diferente simbología. No sé bien si eran otros idiomas o simples rayones al azar, parecían homogéneos de manera que se pensaría que es un lenguaje, ninguno que yo conociese en todo caso. No vi ninguno en español, de manera que tampoco sé de qué se trataban, pero podía notar que ella llevaba mucho tiempo haciendo esto. 

En algún momento me perdí en mí mismo tratando de entender de qué se trataban todos esos supuestos escritos, hasta que volví al presente al escucharla sollozar. Intente hablarle una vez más.

- “¿Estás bien?” Dije lo más suavemente posible para no asustarla de nuevo. Y ella me respondió entre sollozos.

- “No lo encuentro. Sin importar cuanto busque”. 

- “Tal vez yo pueda ayudarte. ¿Qué buscas exactamente?” Le dije en un intento de aliviarla, su voz y su esmero me conmovían; como si quisiera aliviar su carga, cualquiera que esta sea.

- “No importa el idioma, ni el tema, ni la ciencia, no está en ninguna parte. Estoy cansada y sigo sin entender nada. Ya no sé qué hacer. ¿Acaso debería dejar de buscar? ¿Qué debería hacer? ¿Por qué sigo buscando? ¿Cuando empecé a hacerlo y cuando lo encontraré? Estoy tan cansada”. —Me decía todo esto sin dejar de buscar, seguía moviendo sus brazos y destrozando pergamino tras pergamino, me preguntaba si de verdad buscaba algo o si se había metido tanto en su papel de buscadora que había perdido el norte.

- “Tal vez no se trata solo del texto sino de la práctica también. ¿Has intentado buscar afuera?” —Le dije mientras me preguntaba a mí mismo si tenía algún sentido lo que estaba diciendo.

- “¿Afuera?” –Respondió ella algo sorprendida y por fin dejo de mover sus brazos. “¿Puedo salir?” —Me preguntó y esta vez era yo el sorprendido.

- “¿Por qué no podrías?” 

No volvió a responderme, empezó a llorar más fuerte y siguió deshilando; sentí una fuerte ola de impotencia, sentí la pesadez del aire de esa habitación y me sentí algo mareado. Me sentí oprimido, con un fuerte dolor en mi pecho y quise pararme y salir corriendo; pero cuando intente levantarme la cabeza me dio vueltas forzándome a sentarme de nuevo. Empece a respirar agitadamente porque sentía que, de repente, me faltaba el aire.

La vi mirarme de reojo mientras sollozaba y empezaba a inhalar profundamente y exhalar lentamente. Como si estuviese enseñándome a respirar, como si tratara de ayudarme, ella a mí. Ella en toda su impotencia, ella en su malestar. Me deje guiar y logre recuperar la calma, y note que ella también. Apenas me recompuse, salí corriendo de ahí. 

No recuerdo porqué fui a ese lugar, ni qué tenía que hacer. Solo sé que salí de ahí con un miedo indescriptible y, al mismo tiempo, con un alivio inmenso. Como si la vida me pesase mucho menos, como si haber respirado con ella me hubiese hablado directamente al alma y me permitiese respirar bien ahora. A veces me pregunto cómo está ella, y lanzo una plegaria al cielo... a la espera de que dónde sea que esté, ella sienta también esta ligereza de corazón que siento yo y que pueda buscar, o encontrar, más allá de las palabras que parecen limitarla.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Patria Mía, Patria Amada

 Patria mía, Patria amada•

Patria mía, patria amada

A veces pienso en ti y se me caen lágrimas

A veces pienso en ti y se me encoge el alma

A veces pienso en ti y en mi mente sigo allá.

Tierra mía dime ¿Cómo se vive despatriada?

Ven y abrázame con tus colinas 

Recuérdame el olor a canela

Despiértame con el gallo que hace de sirena.

Tierra mía dime ¿Cómo no extrañar tus entrañas?

Quiero correr por tus praderas

Bañarme en tus ríos de agua fresca

Reencontrarme con el océano y sus orillas.

Patria mía, patria amada

A veces pienso en ti y se me caen lágrimas

A veces pienso en ti y se me encoge el alma

A veces pienso en ti y en mi mente sigo allá.

Tierra mía dime ¿Por qué no me dijiste de tus purezas?

Viví embriagada y entumecida por tu belleza

No pensé en detalle en tu inmensa generosidad

Estuve ajena a todo lo que diste y que, si vuelvo, me darás.

Tierra mía dime ¿Sigues siendo mía en la distancia?

Porque yo sigo viniendo de ti y nada lo cambia

Tu comida, tu gente, tus tradiciones y tus lenguas

Juro por Dios que aun canto el himno con vehemencia.

Patria mía, patria amada

A veces pienso en ti y se me caen lágrimas

A veces pienso en ti y se me encoge el alma

A veces pienso en ti y en mi mente sigo allá.

Tierra mía dime si puedo volver a ti uno de estos días

Me cansé de diambular por tierras extrañas

Vuelvo a ti para volverte a conocer entera

Tierra Madre, re-encuentrame y reconóceme siempre tuya.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Drowning systems

I sat down with my helplessness because there was nothing much I could do.

I sat down with my anger,
with my impotence.
I just sat down and let it sink.
I let it overtake me. 

I cried and prayed.
I prayed and cried, trying to collect myself
because I felt this pressing need to help her,
to lend her a hand and
I couldn't do that while broken because of an erroneous system.

I could only help her while being in control, at the very least, of myself;
and to be able to teach her the same.

Not to let her fall in desperation,
to be able to find her a door... even if they seemed to have closed them all. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

On children’s generosity

Photography by Madelaine Bustamante

Some days ago I was sitting down in a green space and this little girl came to me and placed these flowers in my hand. That’s it... she didn’t say anything, she didn’t look back, she didn’t ask them back either, she just put them in my hand and left. She couldn’t be more than 4 years old.

I am sure she was just being her usual self, being a kind soul, but for me, that gesture was so big that it made my day. This is something that happens regularly when I am working with children and that’s why I enjoy working with children so much.

Children surprise me on a daily basis, most of the time in good ways. Children remind me that it is worth it to keep trying and thinking about others’ rights because they deserve a nice place to grow in. Children give me hope about humans aren’t as bad as the news shows them. Children push me to be a better version of myself as a professional, but also as a human being; and like this, they help me to grow, and they show me the beauty of life and God through them.

I wish that every single child in the world will always have someone to protect them, appreciate them, and love them, but as I know this is not what happens in reality I will advocate for them, I will try my best with them, and I will pray for them always. I hope whenever you raise a prayer you will do it too.

“No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness, and generosity hidden in the soul of a child.” (Emma Goldman) 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Not from here, from there

I am not a fighter. In fact, from the beginning, I have been a quitter, always ready to throw in the towel. Never ready for the battle, always scared, always running away. Many times I admit defeat even before even trying, I am too frightened to even try.

I have given up on life from the very first day, always waiting for the worst to come, smiling at all times though... always smiling. People say I have a beautiful smile, I wonder if it has anything to do with having a sad soul. See, people many times seem to misunderstand what a sad soul involves, what sadness involves, I believe sadness is not just sadness, it is dept, it is immensity, sadness is its own form of joy, and I live it like that, therefore maybe that's what people grasp when they see me smiling.

Still, I feel like a spoiled brat crying at all times for the sake of crying, just for life to come all giving to offer a bunch of gifts to encourage me to go on, and I, in spite of all these offerings, go on with my tantrums. My tantrums of a spoiled brat because I keep on thinking I want to leave, I continue feeling I want to leave. I don't like parties, and I, certainly, didn't want to come to this one. But here I am, remaining in this state of time, while the host showers me with attention and presents from which I, most of the time, feel undeserving.

I want to call home and ask to be picked up, but I lost the phone number and I am stuck in this place full of noise, people, smells, life... I am on an infinite quest for my way back home. I am researching in a thousand books, religions, minds, and hearts, for those answers that would, finally, lead me back to the center. That would bring me back to the Absolute I came from.

I wasn't created here, in fact, I was born there. This is nothing but a cheap copy of myself. My real home is broader, complete, whole... and I yearn for it.

Friday, April 29, 2022

The Fall


Photography by Madelaine Bustamante

Today I tried breathing again but it was pointless as I noticed all the air had gone away. I looked at everybody around me in despair, it couldn't be possible that everybody was acting so calmly while lacking oxygen.

Big was my surprise when I noticed a sort of respiratory machine around their heads, it seems I missed the announcement about wearing them. It wouldn't be my first time missing it. What should I do now? I was holding my breath as people do underwater, I had nothing but a few minutes, but my despair continuously increasing would tell me that I have nothing but counted seconds, making it unbearable.

I thought about the people I could ask for help... Asking for help. I have been working on asking for help for the last couple of years, and I could reach out my agonizing hand to someone for help. But who? Also? What should I say? How can I explain myself if I can not talk? I believe I will lose my ability to think soon enough as well. Oh God, I am starting to feel dizzy.

I started looking around me more carefully, to find a familiar face, or even a friendly one. Everybody seemed so busy, I didn't have the courage to disturb anyone's day; I wouldn't like anyone interrupting mine, especially in such a brusque way, asking for air, desperately. No, I needed to find a familiar face as soon as possible. Somehow moving started becoming heavy and difficult.

A known face! I tried to run to it if what I did can be considered running because even if in that very moment it felt like that, in my memories it is played as a pathetic attempt of moving. He couldn't see me, couldn't hear me, couldn't feel me. The only known face around me was miles away from me. I started sobbing, I couldn't hold my breath any longer.

People continued moving around me, while I faded away, slowly, painfully, sadly. Oh, my dream of becoming invincible finally comes true. I wondered if it was the right time to let it come true. I would have hated anybody seeing me in such a state of fragility, therefore I guess it was okay. But then again, I didn't ask for help because I couldn't speak! My intentions were others. I wanted to say: “Help me!” “I can’t breathe,” “Where did you get that respiratory machine?”, “When was this change announced?”.

I felt how, while I faded away unhurriedly, my anxiety was growing visibly. I was wondering about my loved ones, about the people that would start looking for me at some point and wouldn't find me, I thought about the ones I cared the most about, and I hoped, from the bottom of my heart, that'd give me one last shot of strength to try one more time. But I was hopeless, my body wasn't responding anymore, even my brain seemed further and further away from me, I wondered if my heart was also decreasing the intensity of its beats.

Everything was useless at that moment. Everything was valueless. As my last drops of consciousness got ready to leave me, I did, once again, what I have learned would always be the only exit door that would lead me to the hallway of containment. I raised a prayer, not to get more time, or solutions, or salvation, nor anything that would involve more efforts. I just asked for a good ending; so that even when my life was pure chaos, my death would be peaceful.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

First Day of Ramadan

Photography was taken by Madelaine Bustamante

It is the first day of Ramadan and I am at ease. See, in my constant search for understanding many times, I forget to recharge my batteries. I forget that my heart and soul need to be fed more than knowledge. I forget that I have a strong need of God in my life. A need for God that isn’t minimized to a few reminders here and there, or to a bunch of studies, but in truth, to a real relationship, within my current capacity with God.

If I have to be completely honest, the past two years have been a big challenge for me regarding understanding many things in the spiritual realm, and I felt lost, confused, overwhelmed, and scared many times. But not once did I turn to the divinity without feeling protected, recovered, stronger, motivated, and recharged. Still, I have this terrible habit, just like most of us, to push away my spiritual needs and overload myself with teachings, books, and writings; and don’t get me wrong, I have learned a big deal and I am nothing but grateful. But, only God knows how much I missed this feeling, this inner peace, this calmness. This sensation of being able to breathe in this air seems so asphyxiating sometimes.

Many times I wonder how we make it. I wonder about the reality of my fortitude because I always find myself so weak. I can’t face things on my own, because I find myself so small, I find everything huge! And it is just when I turn to Allah and I am able to see my own power through Him that I feel I can do it. I can do it because I am part of Him, I can do it because there are still thousands of worlds and mysteries for me to discover; and if my frailty, accompanied by cowardice doesn’t allow me to go on, my curiosity and my deepest feelings that I can’t even name will always do the job.

I was not born imperfect. I was born the exact way I was supposed to be born, and it is up to me to navigate this life and find in this sphere and others the many gifts God has put along the way for me. Just as He has done for all of us. I hope you are all suffering and enjoying life as much as I am. I hope we are all alive enough, to revive to the death call every single day.